Mumbai: The Maharashtra BJP on Thursday hit out at the ruling Shiv Sena over an incident where some women were allegedly asked to remove their saffron stoles before entering a cinema hall in Nashik to watch the Hindi film "The Kashmir Files". The opposition BJP sought to know from state Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if this was his form of Hindutva.
Some women at the cinema hall in neighbouring Nashik were on Wednesday allegedly asked to remove their saffron stoles before going inside the theatre to watch the Vivek Agnihotri-directed film. Taking a dim view of it, the state BJP unit in a Twitter post said, "Women audience wearing saffron shawls in Nashik for The Kashmir Files movie was asked to keep them outside the cinema hall."
Is this your form of Hindutva, Uddhavji?" the BJP asked while tagging the post to the Twitter handle of Thackeray's office. The BJP in its tweet used words like green blood to question the Shiv Sena's commitment towards Hindutva, and claimed that the Thackeray-led party has now become "Janab Sena". Produced by Zee Studios, "The Kashmir Files" depicts the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir following systematic killings of people from the community by Pakistan-backed terrorists.