Narmadapuram:A 21-year-old woman approached the Narmadapuram district administration seeking justice against the atrocities meted out against her husband, Hafizur Rahman (52). The victim girl alleged Rehman of marrying her forcefully and now assaulting her demanding money and giving 'Talak' to her.
As per the victim's statement, the man who is 30-years-older than her is a former Imam and she used to visit him as a student. During that time, he got close to her and lured her saying that she would become principal in the future. Later, he married her in November 2020 by threatening to defame her, if she refused.
A year after the marriage, the former Imam forced the victim to bring Rs 2 lakh from her father's house. When his demands were not fulfilled, he verbally gave 'Talak' to her. Last month, he also assaulted her and as the dispute escalated, on April 16th, he divorced her in writing.