Ratlam: Madhya Pradesh Police exhumed three highly decomposed bodies - a woman and her two children who were killed and buried by the patriarch two months ago- from the backyard of a house in Vindhyavashini Amprapali colony here, on Sunday. Police cited the suspect saying frequent domestic quarrels as the reason behind the killings.
The murders came to light after the neighbours tipped off the police about the woman and her children missing for about 2 months. Police picked up Sonu Talwade who confessed to the police that he had murdered the children and his second wife.
The suspect who worked as a gangman in the Railways went on with his life as usual after committing the murders. He was helped by one of his friends in disposing of the bodies after killing all three of them. The partner in crime has also been arrested by the police based on the confession from Sonu.
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Ratlam Superintendent of Police Abhishek Tiwari, said, "the suspect is aged about 33 to 34 years. He was claiming to be a railway gangman. We are checking his job credential. He has committed cold blooded murders.”
The woman I had killed is my second wife whom I married after divorcing my first wife. The quarrels between the couples aggravated in the past four to five months, the SP said, quoting the suspect. Sonu said the frequent quarrels led him to commit murder, the SP added.
Sonu said he was struggling to pay the alimony to his first wife. He is blaming his struggle as well as one of the reasons for this extreme step of killing wife and children. But that is a different issue and it will also be probed, Abhishek said, adding that the “suspect has used an axe to hack all three of his family members”.