Lucknow: The police's version of the recent murder of a woman in Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow has come under the scanner with the family suspecting a “remote” hand behind the killing. As per police, the victim Sadhna Singh was shot dead by her 16-year-old son with his father's pistol at around 3 am on the intervening night of June 4 and 5 in Layamunapuram Colony.
Her body was recovered by police on Wednesday, June 8. As per the police, the boy was addicted to smartphone games especially PUBG, which his mother had forbidden him to play. He was angry because of this and committed the crime using his father's licensed pistol, ADCP East Kashim Abdi had told ETV Bharat. However, the woman's family suspects that the boy might have been following someone's direction while shooting his mother.
One of the family members told ETV Bharat that the police had told them to “either tell the reason for the murder yourself or else follow what the police is saying”. "The police took the consent of the family to project the PUBG game as the trigger for the murder but it was all a concoction. The main culprit of the murder is the one who the family and the police did not want to bring to the fore,” a family member alleged.