New Delhi: Domestic cooking gas LPG price was on Thursday hiked by Rs 3.50 per cylinder, the second increase in rates this month. Non-subsidised LPG now costs Rs 1,003 per 14.2-kg cylinder in the national capital, according to a price notification of state fuel retailers.
Cooking gas LPG price hiked by Rs 3.50 per cylinder
Cooking gas LPG price hiked by Rs 3.50 per cylinder, now costs Rs 1,003 in Delhi.
Cooking gas LPG price hiked by Rs 3.50 per cylinder
The hike comes on the back of a Rs 50 per cylinder increase effected on May 7. Prior to that, prices were increased by the same amount on March 22.
Last Updated : May 19, 2022, 9:37 AM IST