New Delhi: Congress party, on Wednesday, slammed the Bhartiya Janta Party for playing a "divisive agenda" over religion by enacting 'anti-love jihad' law in various states. The statement comes after a group of 104 retired bureaucrats had written to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath raising concern over the law.
During a press conference, Haryana Congress Chief Kumari Selja said to the reporters, "This is just a part of BJP-RSS divisive agenda. I do not know what useful purpose it will serve." Rather it is aligned to the religious agenda rather than granting justice to people, she added.
She added, "It is not just the 104 retired IAS officers, but any normal free thinking person would say that you cannot have these kind of laws in a country. Case after case, even the Courts are stepping in and saying that there are some issues which are between two individuals and they have to decide on their own what to do."
Expressing "deep disapproval" and concern over the use of 'anti-love jihad' law, the retired bureaucrats demanded its withdrawal as well as a suitable compensation for those booked under it. They also asserted that UP has become the "epicenter" of politics of hate, division and bigotry and the Institutions of Government are now "steeped in a communal poison".