New Delhi: As he embarks on a six-day visit to the US, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said he was looking forward to "fruitful" interactions during the trip. Singh and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar are travelling to the US to hold the fourth edition of the '2+2' dialogue with US Defence Secretary Llyod Austin and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on April 11 in Washington. The defence minister said he would also be visiting the headquarters of the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) in Hawai.
"I would be leaving New Delhi tonight for a visit to the United States from April 10 to April 15. I look forward to attend the Fourth India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Washington DC. Also, I shall be visiting INDOPACOM headquarters in Hawai, during this visit," Singh tweeted. The INDOPACOM is the oldest and largest combatant command of the US that is responsible for American military activities in the Indo-Pacific. "The visit to the United States will give me an opportunity to hold talks with @SecDef and @SecBlinken alongside @DrSJaishankar on ways to deepen the India-US strategic partnership. Looking forward to fruitful interactions during the visit," Singh said.