New Delhi:The meeting called for by the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla aimed at breaking the logjam over the Manipur situation in the Parliament turned inconclusive, according to sources. Sources said the Speaker's meeting was held at his chambers at 12.30 pm and floor leaders from the Opposition parties attended it.
The Opposition parties did not choose the offer from the government that a statement will be made by the Home Minister and a debate thereafter on the same. The Opposition was adamant on debating the issue after an elaborate statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sources said the Opposition appears to be keen on pinning the government and to put PM Modi in the dock over the issue.
As the talks remained inconclusive, the LS Speaker suggested that the government and the Opposition should have more talks and both should work towards ending the deadlock so that the proceedings in the House run smooth. On Monday, the Opposition members were up on their feet soon after the House met for the day.