New Delhi: The process of linking Aaadhaar with the Voter ID card has not started yet, Union Law and Justice Minister Kiren Rijiju informed the Rajya Sabha on Thursday. The Union Minister in a written reply further stated that no deadline has been fixed for the process.
Describing the proposed Aadhaar and Voter ID linkage as "process driven", the Union Minister clarified that it is voluntary and the names of those who do not in their Voter ID with Aadhaar will not be struck off from the electoral rolls.
"Section 23 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 as amended by the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021, provides for the electoral registration officers to require the existing or prospective elector to provide the Aadhaar number for the purpose of establishing identity on a voluntary basis," stated Rijiju.
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"Further, the Election Commission of India (ECI) vide its instructions dated 4th July, 2022, has launched the programme to collect the Aadhaar number of existing and prospective electors on a voluntary basis from 1st August, 2O22 in all the States and Union territories," he added.
He further stated that the submission of Aadhaar number with Voter ID is voluntary and consent is obtained from the electors for Aadhaar in Form 6 B. "Linking of Aadhaar is process driven and no targets or timelines have been given for linking Aadhaar with Electoral Photo Identity Card. Linking of Aadhaar with the Electoral Photo Identity Card has not yet started so far. Further, the time period to submit Aadhaar number has been extended for a period up to 31.03.2024," he said.