Dehradun (Uttarakhand):Former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat, in an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, has said that like-minded political leaders such as Nitish Kumar should come forward under one platform to take on BJP.
""Some political parties create the impression that they are opposing BJP but in reality they are helping the saffron party in an indirect manner. On the other hand, these political parties pick a fight with Congress . Hence I have offered Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar to come on the same platform to take on the BJP. On the other hand, JDU leader Nitish Kumar had also indicated that like-minded political parties should come on the same platform," said Rawat.
"We keep on discussing with political leaders. Its a continuous process. We interact with leaders across political spectrum. The leader with whom I am going to interact, belongs to BJP. Such meetings are a part of the political culture. So, nothing wrong in this," he added.