Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir police along with security forces have arrested three militants of the proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) at Sopore in J&K's Baramulla district, officials said on Monday. Police said acting on a piece of specific information regarding the movement of militants, a special checkpoint was established by police, Army's 22 RR and CRPF near Sunwani bridge, Wadoora Bala.
"During checking, the joint party intercepted three persons coming from Wadoora Bala towards Sunwani bridge who on seeing joint naka party tried to escape from the spot but were apprehended tactfully," police said. They have been identified as Tufail Majid Mir, resident of Brathkalan, Owais Ahmed Mir, resident of Brathkalan and Shabir Ahmed Wagay, resident of Warpora.