Agartala:Scheduled Caste Welfare Minister of Tripura, Bhagaban Chandra Das has said that the state government is working “sincerely for the welfare of the people belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SCs)” while accusing the previous left front government of “crippling the SC Corporation financially”.
“There are various projects for the development of the people, but due to lack of proper publicity, many people are not aware of this. Therefore, the officials have been instructed to prepare a leaflet to make the people aware about various projects”, Das said while inaugurating the annual general meeting of Tripura Scheduled Caste Cooperative Development Corporation. On the occasion, loans worth Rs 2.51 lakh were approved to 115 people belonging to Scheduled Castes across the state in a bid to make them self-reliant.
Besides, auto-rickshaws have been approved for 100 people in the community. The Scheduled Caste Welfare Minister officially handed over the autorickshaw keys to 4 beneficiaries and loan sanctioned to 5 beneficiaries. Das said that the previous government had “crippled the SC Corporation financially”.