Thiruvananthapuram: The ruling Left Democratic Front (LDF) on Tuesday carried out a march with one lakh people to the Raj Bhavan protesting against the Governor's alleged bid to stall the higher education progress in the state. Inaugurating the blockade organised under the banner of 'Higher Education Protection Committee' here, CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechuri said Kerala Governor Arif Muhammed Khan has been playing a dangerous game for the establishment of a Hindu Rashtra and reminded the Governor that Kerala will resist such moves.
"The Governor is playing a dangerous game and trying to implement the 'Hindu Rashtra' ideology of the Sangh Parivar. Kerala would resist that," Yechuri said. He said, "The Governor has been acting in an anti-democratic way. He has been taking unilateral decisions against the policies of an elected government. Not just in Kerala, but in all non-BJP ruling states, Governors are involved in similar games. Governors are acting on direction from BJP and are holding back bills sent to them by the respective governments."
"The Higher Education system in Kerala is of high quality and the Governor's efforts are to destroy that. He is misusing constitutional establishments for that. The Sangh Parivar idea is to establish Hinduism in the country and for that, they are trying to sneak into universities. They are doing it in Central Universities, but it cannot be done in Kerala. Kerala sees everyone as human beings and does not differentiate people based on caste or religion. This Hindutwa agenda needs to be destroyed and the struggle for that would continue," Yechuri said.