New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday rebutted Prime Minister Narendra Modi's claim on migrants and lashed out at his Uttar Pradesh counterpart Yogi Adityanath saying that the latter was giving advertisements in Time magazine when the dead bodies of people were flowing in the river during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kejriwal's remarks came in response to Yogi's tweet in which he said the Delhi government forced the migrant UP workers to leave the national capital when the entire humanity was groaning due to the pain of coronavirus.
"Listen Yogi, You just let it be. When the dead bodies of the people of UP were flowing in the river, you were giving advertisements of your false applause in Time magazine by spending crores of rupees. I have never seen such a vicious and cruel leader like you," Kejriwal had tweeted in Hindi.
Reacting to this, the UP CM said that the Delhi government's move to force the migrant workers out of the city was an inhuman act. "Listen Kejriwal, You forced the workers of UP to leave Delhi when the entire humanity was groaning due to the pain of Corona. Your government did an undemocratic and inhuman act like leaving even small children and women helpless on the UP border in the middle of the night. Call you a traitor or...," UP CM tweeted in Hindi.
In another tweet, Adityanath said, "Kejriwal has a knack for telling lies. When the whole country was battling a global pandemic like Corona under the leadership of the respected Prime Minister, Kejriwal showed the migrant labourers the way out of Delhi. The electricity-water connection was cut and the sleeping people were picked up and sent to the UP border by buses. An announcement was made that buses are going for Anand Vihar, beyond that buses will be available for UP-Bihar. The UP government arranged buses for the migrant labourers and brought them back safely," he added.