Chennai:The last group of students from Tamil Nadu who were stranded in war-torn Ukraine landed in the state on Saturday. The students who had arrived in New Delhi a day before, were lodged in the Tamil Nadu Home in Delhi. They were brought to Chennai by air this morning by a team of Tamil Nadu government officials and were welcomed by Chief Minister MK Stalin at the Chennai Airport.
CM Stalin thanks MEA Jaishankar as last bunch of TN students return from Ukraine
The students who had arrived in New Delhi a day before, were lodged at the Tamil Nadu Home in Delhi. They were brought to Chennai by air this morning by a team of Tamil Nadu government officials and were welcomed by Chief Minister MK Stalin at the Chennai Airport.
The team dispatched by the Tamil Nadu government consisting of five persons including Trichy Siva, MM Abdullah, Veerasamy, Jacintha and Ajay Yadav was set up to coordinate with the Central government which has taken various measures to rescue Indian students from Ukraine since the outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia.
Recently, the team met External Affairs Minister Jaishankar and demanded that necessary steps be taken to rescue the Tamil Nadu students. It has been learnt that Chief Minister MK Stalin called up Union Minister of External Affairs Jaishankar Subramaniam to thank him for rescuing all Indian students, including Tamil Nadu students, stranded in Ukraine.