Patna:Saurav Suman, who works in Delhi, had ordered a laptop for his father Shyam Sundar Prasad from Amazon, but instead received a text copy and some bricks inside the package delivered on Wednesday at his residence in Patna. He had allegedly paid 34,600 rupees in advance. The Amazon customer care unit has sought time till 31st July to investigate on the matter.
"A laptop was needed at home. My son then ordered it online from Delhi itself. On Wednesday, the package was delivered in the afternoon. But inside the carton, instead of the laptop, a guide book of Delhi Police and some bricks were found," said Sunita Kanodia, Saurav Suman's mother to media. Saurav had ordered the laptop on 24th July and it was expected to arrive on 27th July. On Wednesday, when the package was delivered at his shop at Fatuha, Patna, it was received by a staff there. When his father returned, he felt the package was too light to carry a laptop as it was mentioned on top that the package weighted only 2.61 kgs.