New Delhi: Joining the opposition demand to institute a probe into Pegasus controversy, the RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav said that the truth in this matter should be revealed. Talking to ETV Bharat, Lalu Prasad also said the "caste-based census should be published as soon as possible. It would be good to know which caste has how much population. The demand for the caste-based census is increasing in Bihar."
JDU, which is part of NDA, has also demanded the same. However, the central government is not ready for this. The central government has said that only the census based on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes will be included in the 2021 census.
Also Read:Nitish Kumar questions BJP's U-turn on caste census, seeks clear explanation
On the issue of the three agriculture laws, the opposition parties and various farmers' organisations are constantly slamming the central government. Lalu Yadav said that the opposition parties and farmers' organisations must continue with their stance and the central government should repeal the agriculture laws. These laws are not in the interest of the farmers.