Amritsar (Punjab): After Union Minister Ajay Mishra's son was granted bail in the Lakhimpur violence case, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Tuesday hit out at the Centre government and said if the government claim to be pro-farmers then they should put forth the case strongly so that the accused is not able to get the bail.
"Government should appeal it in the Supreme court. The government says they are pro-farmers but they have to put forth the case strongly so that the accused don't get bail," said Vadra on Ashish Mishra's bail in the Lakhimpur violence case. Ashish Mishra, son of Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra Teni, who is accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case, was released from jail on Tuesday following Allahbad High Court granting from bail.
The High Court had granted him bail on Thursday. Avdesh Kumar Singh, the lawyer of Ashish Mishra, had said earlier in the day that Mishra will be released from the jail and there will be no restriction on his going out of the city.Priyanka Gandhi Vadra attacked the Central government for not seeking the resignation of Union Minister of State Ajay Mishra Teni.