Ayodhya (UP):Since Yogi Adityanath took over as Uttar Pradesh CM, holy cities and places that have mythological significance are witnessing a major revamp. In Ayodhya along with the construction of 'Ram Mandir', multiple developmental projects are going on. Lake Samda, spread over 60 hectares of land in Sohawal block in Ayodhya district, is the focus of all eyes these days as nearly 1,000 people along with heavy machinery are working tirelessly for the rejuvenation of the lake.
About 20 km from the main city, and spread over 67 acres under three-gram panchayats, the lake traces its roots back to "Treta Yuga'' (a period belonging to Lord Rama). As per mythology, the lake has been in existence since the times of Lord Rama when river Samada used to flow at the current site of the lake. But with time the river dried up, turning into a lake.