Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday dismissed Telangana IT Minister K T Rama Rao's attempts to compare Bengaluru with Hyderabad as "utter joke". He was responding to Rao's recent tweet asking an entrepreneur in Bengaluru to shift to Hyderabad, claiming better physical and social infrastructure there. ''It is an utter joke....not just India, people from across the world are coming to Bengaluru. Highest startups are in Bengaluru. Highest unicorns are in Bengaluru, million and billion dollars worth," Bommai said in response to a question on Rao's tweet.
Speaking to reporters here, he said, "The highest FDI in the country, more than 40 percent of FDI, for the successive last three quarters Karnataka is number one. So comparing Karnataka with Telangana or Bengaluru with Hyderabad is an utter joke." On March 31, responding to a tweet by serial entrepreneur Ravish Naresh, complaining about Bengaluru's infrastructure, Rao had asked him to "Pack your bags & move to Hyderabad.
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