Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court has quashed the orders of a lower court to conduct investigations against Bengaluru Police Commissioner Kamal Pant, DCP Central M.N. Anuchet and Cubbon Park police station inspector Maruthi in connection with failing to register case against former BJP minister regarding alleged Sex CD case.
The bench headed by Justice Srinivasa Harish Kumar gave the order on Tuesday. The bench had observed that complainant Dinesh Kallahalli had not given sufficient information to police regarding his complaint and he had withdrawn it on March 7, 2021. Police Commissioner Kamal Pant had formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) on March 11. The SIT has completed the probe and submitted its report. The police have also completed the investigation of a complaint filed by the victim woman on March 26 against former minister Ramesh Jarakiholi.
The victim has also questioned the formation of SIT. The divisional bench of the High Court has directed SIT not to submit a report to the lower court which is looking into the matter. The magistrate court, has not considered all these factors while ordering investigation against police officers and it opined that the investigation order was not correct.
The 8th ACMM (Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate) Court had given the order and also directed the police department to submit the report by February 1, 2022. The court had passed an order of inquiry for investigation of offences under section 166 A of IPC (the Penal Code holds police responsible for delays in registering an FIR after victim makes a complaint).
Janaadhikara Sangharsha Parishath Co-President Adarsh R. Iyer had filed an PCR (Private Complaint) against Kamal Pant, Anucheth Aand Maruti for not registering case against former BJP minister Ramesh Jarakiholi in connection with alleged sex-CD scandal.