Bengaluru: The Criminal Investigation Department (CID), probing the PSI scandal in Karnataka, has submitted a 1,406-page charge sheet in the court against jailed senior IPS officer ADGP Amrit Paul, the agency sources stated on Thursday. Paul is the first senior ADGP level officer to be arrested in connection with the scandal that rocked the state and made national news. The charge sheet has been submitted before the First ACMM court in Bengaluru.
Accused Amrit Paul is being made the 35th accused in the case. The CID investigation officer Deputy SP B.K. Shekar submitted 78 records, 38 witnesses against Paul to highlight his role in the scam, conspiracy to carry it out and collection of money from aspirants for posts of sub-inspectors. According to sources, the CID had already submitted a charge sheet regarding the scandal but without mentioning the name and role of Paul.