Bengaluru: The Karnataka government has made uniform compulsory for Pre-University Course(PUC) students from academic year 2022-23 in a bid to tackle the ongoing Hijab row at the educational institutions. According to sources, the ruling BJP has made the move while anticipating a possible hijab row once the PU classes restart.
The SSLC (Class 10) results were announced on Thursday in the state and admissions for the PU colleges will begin from Friday onwards. In the guidelines issued by the Education Department for 2020-21 academic year, uniforms were not compulsory. Sources in the Education department said that the new rule will empower college managements to implement a ban on hijab in classrooms.
Several parents and students have questioned the government's decision. However, the Special Bench of Karnataka High Court which heard the matter upholding the government order stated that wearing of uniform is compulsory for students. The court also dismissed the petition challenging the uniform rule and asking for the right to wear hijab in classrooms. The petitioners have approached the Supreme Court on the matter.
Giving no scope for any confusion regarding wearing of hijab, the guidelines mentioned that uniforms prescribed by the School Development and Management Committee (SDMC) are compulsory for PUC students. The new circular stated that in case of SDMC not prescribing any uniform, students are recommended to wear a garment that will maintain equality and unity and it underlined that it should not disturb public order.