Kolkata: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday made a fresh recovery of Rs 5.59 crore from the bank accounts of the prime accused Amir Khan and his associates in the mobile gaming app E-Nuggets fraud case. With this fresh recovery, the total seizure by the ED in forms of cash, bank deposits and crypto currencies has reached Rs 36.95 crore.
If the recoveries on this count by both ED and Kolkata Police are taken into account, the total seizure amount has reached Rs 80.77 crore. Amir Khan, who was arrested by the cops of the Kolkata Police from Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh on September 24, 2022 is currently in police custody and his next date of appearance at a lower court in Kolkata is October 8.
Five more persons, other than Khan, have already been arrested by the Kolkata Police in this connection. The Kolkata Police has also issued a lookout notice against Khan's close associate Subhojeet Srimani, who was the main operator for running a sextortion trade on behalf of the prime accused. Srimani is currently absconding and is believed by Kolkata Police to be hiding in Dubai.