Kolhapur(Maharashtra):A man committed a triple murder of his wife and two children on suspicion that his wife was having an extra-marital affair in the Kagal town in the Kolhapur district. The accused, identified as Prakash Balaso Mali (42), committed all three murders on Wednesday between 2 pm and 8 pm, one after the other. The Kagal police have taken cognizance of the matter and registered a case against the culprit.
Preliminary investigation revealed that Mali, who was working at the Hamidwada factory, was a resident of the Kalammawadi Colony here, living with his wife and two children. He used to have frequent fights with his wife Gayatri (37) on a regular basis. In a similar argument on Wednesday, the culprit accused the woman of having an extra-marital affair, asking her who she was speaking to on the phone.