Chennai (Tamil Nadu): A petition has been filed in the Madras High court seeking permission to question former TN CM Edappadi K Palaniswami, Sasikala and others in the Kodanad estate murder and robbery case. Meanwhile, another case has also been filed in the High Court seeking quashing of the Nilgiris District court order denying permission to question former Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami, Sasikala, Elavarasi, Sudhakaran, former Nilgiris Collector Shankar and former Nilgiris District Superintendent of Police Murali Ramba.
Deepu, Satisan and Santosh Samy, who were accused in the case, had filed a petition in the Nilgiris Court seeking permission to question former Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami, Sasikala, Elavarasi, Sudhakaran, former Nilgiris Collector Shankar and former Nilgiris District SP Murali Ramba, ADMK functionary Sajivan, Kodanad estate manager Natarajan and Sunil. The accused have mentioned in the plea that the case is being reportedly influenced by powerful AIADMK leaders.
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Earlier, the Nilgiris court had allowed only estate manager Natarajan to be tried and dismissed the petition seeking hearing of others. While, Deepu, Satisan and Santosh Samy filed a review petition in the Madras High Court seeking quashing of the order. It said the Nilgiris court had failed to consider the seriousness of the former chief minister Edappadi Palaniswami's involvement in the case, while Sayan, one of the main accused recently raised serious allegations against the latter to the robbery case.