New Delhi: Kisan Ekta Morcha, a farmer union on Saturday voiced against the screening of a Bollywood movie 'Sooryavanshi' in Punjab as the cast and crew in the movie did not support farmers' protest.
"They come, they loot us and then forget us! We will strongly oppose showcasing of Sooryavanshi in punjab theatres! Won't allow them loot us more!! Kisan Majdoor Ekta Zindabaad Kisan ekta morcha goback_akshaykumar BoycottSooryavanshi", said Kisan Ekta Morcha in a Facebook post.
In February this year, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar voiced for paving way for an amicable solution following the uproar on the farmers' movement. Kumar, on February 3 had tweeted, "Farmers constitute an extremely important part of our country. And the efforts being undertaken to resolve their issues are evident. Let's support an amicable resolution, rather than paying attention to anyone creating differences. #IndiaTogether #IndiaAgainstPropaganda."