Mumbai:BJP leader Kirit Somaiya on Tuesday moved the Mumbai High Court challenging the decision of the sessions court denying him an anticipatory bail in the scam involving funds collected to avoid the dismantling of aircraft carrier INS Vikrant in 2014. In the bail plea submitted to the High Court through his counsel Niranjan Mundargi, Somaiya claimed that similar donations had also been collected by other political parties including Shiv Sena and Congress, while the drive was not conducted by him in an individual capacity but at the party level. He also highlighted that the complaint was delayed and filed after nine years.
Stating that there was prima facie proof including photographs, showing that funds were collected for the restoration of INS Vikrant, Special court bench headed by Judge R K Rokade, rejected Somaiya's anticipatory bail on Monday. The court had pointed out a letter saying that Somaiya was going to deposit the money with the (Maharashtra) governor, though it was found not deposited. As per the high court's website, Somaiya's plea is likely to be heard on April 19, while both Kirit aand Neil Somaiya have been asked to be present at the court on April 13.