Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and senior BJP leader Kuldeep Bishnoi have ruled out any strain in ties with alliance partner JJP and asserted that the government was running smoothly. Days before BJP candidate Bhavya Bishnoi filed his nomination papers for the November 3 Adampur by-election, the JPP, which is led by former MP Ajay Singh Chautala, had expressed unhappiness over not finding any mention in the banners and posters put up as part of the campaigning. The BJP had maintained that the party at that time had not officially released any posters, banners or hoardings.
Khattar, who was interacting with reporters after listening to public grievances in Faridabad on Sunday, was asked to if there was any strain in relationship with the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP). "...We are running our government in a very good manner in coordination with our allies. We will win the Adampur bypoll with a very good margin," he replied. On October 10 too, Khattar when asked about some JJP leaders complaining that pictures of their leaders have not been give a space in the posters put up for campaigning in Adampur for the bypoll, had then told reporters in Panchkula that these posters may have come up at local level and had not been officially released by the party.
Khattar had also asserted that both parties will form a common strategy for the bypoll, adding "we will jointly fight these election". The bypoll was necessitated after Kuldeep Bishnoi, father of Bhavya Bishnoi (29), resigned as the MLA from the seat and switched sides from the Congress to the BJP.
Bhavya Bishnoi had also quit the Congress and joined the BJP. Meanwhile, interacting with reporters in Hisar, Kuldeep Bishnoi, when asked if Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala will come for campaigning, replied, "He should come".