New Delhi: Senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Mallikarjun Kharge, on Friday, slammed the Central Government for the violence that occurred in Delhi on January 26, during the farmers' tractor rally saying that it was "planned conspiracy" of Home Minister Amit Shah to disrupt the farmers' agitation. He also said that Congress party will raise this issue in the upcoming Parliament session.
While speaking to ETV Bharat, Mallikarjun Kharge said, "Both Modi and Shah is responsible for whatever issue of law and order happened in Delhi. The man who hoisted a religious flag at Red Fort, on January 26, is associated with BJP. It was a conspiracy to disrupt the farmers' agitation so that they accept the Government's terms and conditions regarding the three farm laws."
"Government is trying to make them helpless so that they can be harassed and their agitation will get broken," he alleged.
When asked about the Home Minister Amit Shah's visit to the Hospital where injured Police officers have been admitted after the violence occurred in the National Capital, the Congress leader said that he condemned the incident but in the end, it is HM's responsibility to maintain law and order in Delhi.
"There should be an enquiry over it. But it is indeed a failure of Home Minister as the law and order come under him," he asserted.