Udham Singh Nagar:The Uttarakhand police have begun a probe into the activities of close contacts of Khalistani terror suspect Jagjeet Singh alias Jagga who was recently arrested by the Delhi police's special cell. Sources said the police are also interrogating the relatives of the suspect.
Jagga who hails from Gularbhoj locality in Udham Singh Nagar district of the state was out on a short term bail from the Haldwani sub jail where he was cooling his heels since November 2018. He jumped the 20-day bail on April 21 last year and was underground until his recent arrest.
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Senior Superintendent of Police Manjunath TC said, "we have been conducting intensive grilling of his old acquaintances, relatives and friends who came in contact with him recently. We provide counselling to the first timers whose names surfaced as having links with banned terrorist organisations which are part of Khalistan movements."
Actions will be taken on the basis of messages these people have posted on their social media handles. As per the standard operating procedure, an FIR will be lodged against Jagga in the next step. The SOP also provides for seizure of weapons and passport. We also keep such people on our intense watch list, the official added.
Superintendent of Haldwani sub jail SK Sukhija said Jagga was lodged in the Haldwani prison on November 29, 2018 and was there until he was granted bail. He moved for a short-term bail and the Court provided him 20-days of bail. He should have returned to the prison on April 21, 2022 but he didn't, the SP said adding that, the suspect's no show was conveyed to the trail court.