New Delhi: There were a lot of speculations in Congress circles after three key members of the G23, Anand Sharma, Prithviraj Chavan, and Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday met veteran Ghulam Nabi Azad, who had resigned on August 26. The meeting assumed significance as it was assumed that after the exit of Azad, who had spent around 50 years in the party, more senior leaders would follow suit.
The meeting came a day after Azad said he will float a new party, and on a day several important leaders resigned from the J&K Congress in support of the veteran. “It was just a courtesy call. I had spoken to Azadji over the phone on the day he had resigned from the party. Today, I met him at his residence,” Chavan, a former Maharashtra chief minister, told ETV Bharat.
The former chief minister refused to comment on the contents of Azad’s resignation letter in which he blamed Rahul Gandhi for the party’s decline. “Personally, I am saddened by his exit,” said Chavan. In August 2020, Azad had led the so-called dissenters when around 23 senior Congress leaders wrote a letter to party chief Sonia Gandhi urging her to hold internal polls for all party posts so that a full-time and visible party president could be elected and revamp the organization thoroughly to prepare for the future challenges.
Also read:Aftermath of Azad resignation...Mass resignation from JK Congress
Former Maharashtra chief minister Prithviraj Chavan, former deputy leader in the Rajya Sabha Anand Sharma and former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda were signatories to the letter. “I thank the Congress president for holding the internal party elections, including for the post of the party president. We had demanded the same in 2020. It is good that she took that decision,” Chavan said.