Thiruvananthapuram : Last September, 31-year old Anoop M who won Rs 25 crore in a lottery, was famously heard saying "I wish I had not won." He said he was hassled by people known and unknown to him asking for financial help. Today, Anoop is a part of the state government's lottery business and is arguably Kerala's only crorepati lottery agent.
Anoop, a former auto driver is now busy listing out the serial numbers of the Kerala State Lotteries and contacting prospective clients to sell his tickets. His sleek iPhone seems stuck to his ear as he is heard interacting with customers in his newly opened lottery retail store 'M A Lucky Centre'.
Until a few weeks ago, Anoop, winner of the biggest draw in Kerala Lottery history - the Thiruvonam Bumper, was on the run. He was mastering the art of giving the slip to people who sought financial help from him. He had to constantly shift his place of residence so that needy people would stop crowding his house. As things have calmed down now, his newly won luxurious lifestyle is slowly falling in place.
"Nothing much has changed," Anoop said while pulling out a bundle of letters and postcards from the cupboard. "I still get countless letters, all asking for financial aid and many still visit my shop asking for help. I am tired," Anoop, sporting a thick golden bracelet and a thicker gold chain around his neck, told PTI.
Anoop is a glittering microcosm of Kerala government-owned lottery business which is now creating a millionaire everyday. The Kerala Lottery department has more than 1 lakh registered agents. Under them there are several unregistered sub-agents and hawkers, effectively making it the livelihood for several lakhs of people in the state.
The total turnover in FY-21 was Rs 7,145.22 crore. Out of that Rs 4,079.28 crore was spent towards prizes, Rs. 1,798.32 crore towards discount to the agents and Rs.524.3 crore towards agents' prize. "It is the government's policy to seek public participation in the government's social welfare schemes. All the money collected through lottery sales are used for implementing various social welfare schemes of the government," B T Anil Kumar, publicity officer of the Directorate of State Lotteries, told PTI.
It is not just the Keralites who are keenly purchasing these tickets. The residents of neighbouring states and also the sizable migrant labour population in Kerala are regular buyers and many are winners as well. The ups and downs faced by the state's lottery winners have even led the lottery directorate to start a training programme in financial management for prize winners with the help of Gulati Institute of Taxation.
"It is the policy of the government to encourage all citizens of this country to be part of Kerala Lottery. As per the Lottery Act, the tickets can be sold only within the geographical boundaries of Kerala. But anyone who visits the state can purchase a ticket and claim the prize amount by producing the necessary documents and the original of the ticket," Kumar said.