Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): Two Youth Congress workers shouted slogans against Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inside a flight on Monday. According to police, the two workers identified as Youth Congress Mattannur block president Farsin Majeed and Kannur district secretary R K Naveen Kumar tried to get close to the Chief Minister who was traveling by the same flight but were pushed away by LDF Convener E P Jayarajan. The video of the incident has gone viral on social media.
Also read: Amid protests, CM Vijayan says no bar on wearing black in Kerala
Police sources said that the two accused who came to the Kannur Airport wearing black shirts to protest against the Chief Minister were initially stopped by police. But they were allowed to board the flight to Thiruvananthapuram after they said that they were travelling for medical treatment. The two have been arrested by CISF and are undergoing treatment.
Kerala CM faces Youth Congress protest onboard a flight Youth Congress leaders alleged that EP Jayarajan manhandled the protestors. Opposition parties are staging protests across Kerala after the gold smuggling accused Swapna Suresh raised allegations against the Chief Minister and his family regarding the case.