Kannur: Departmental inquiry has been launched against a Sub Inspector who lodged a fake complaint under the POCSO Act using his minor daughter against a merchant in Payyannur of Kannur. The case was found to be fabricated in a probe conducted by the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Crime Branch. Based on the report submitted by the Dy SP, Kannur DIG, K Sethuraman directed SP Rural, Navneet Sharma to conduct a department level probe in the incident.
The incident took place on August 19 when SI come to buy a cake at a bakery in Payyanur, parked his car in front of a nearby tire service shop. The shop manager Shamim asked the SI to park his car somewhere else as the car is blocking passage for other vehicles, over which the SI picked up a verbal argument with Shammeen.
On the very next day of the incident, a police officer in uniform visited the shop and threatened to file a case for not following COVID-19 protocols. Later a case got registered against Shamim alleging that he had tried to abuse SI's daughter who was in the car while SI visited the shop for buying the cake.