Kannur: The treatment committee of the 18-month-old toddler Mohammed, suffering from a rare genetic disorder called spinal muscular atrophy, on Sunday said they received over Rs 46 crore through crowdfunding for his treatment. The treatment committee told the media here that the amount will be used for his treatment requiring a dose of Zolgensma, worth over Rs 18 crore, which is considered one of the most expensive drugs in the world and the rest of the amount will be used as per the direction of the state government.
"The crowdfunding was completed on July 5 and we received Rs 46,78,72, 125.48. Over 7.77 lakh people contributed to the treatment fund in the bank account," KalliaseriMLA, M Vijin, the coordinator of the treatment committee said. Mohammed, son of PK Rafeeq and Mariyumma, will receive the dose of medicine by next month, the committee said. They also informed that some amount will be used for the treatment of Mohammed's sister,15-year-old Afra, who also suffers from the same disease and is bound to a wheelchair. "The rest of the amount will be utilised as per the direction of the state government," they said.
Read: Kerala HC asks govt to come out with crowdfunding policy