Kozhikode:Kerala has recorded the lowest rainfall during the beginning of the monsoon in the last five years till June 15. Kerala has only recorded 109.7 millimetres of rain till June 15, against 343.7 mm in 2018, 175.4 mm in 2019, 230 mm in 2020, and 161.1 mm in 2021.
Lower monsoon rains in Kerala could mean a serious rain deficit in the states that depend on the South-West Monsoon for their water needs. According to meteorological scientist, Dr Abhilash of Cochin University, the lack of winds in the South-West direction is the main cause of the reduction in Monsoon rains. "There should be winds at the speeds above 40 km per hour in the South-West directions to bring rains. The winds gather speed due to the formation of low pressure in the Bay of Bengal but this time there are no low-pressure formations in the Bay of Bengal and hence no winds," Abhilash said.