Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Police has launched a initiative, termed Operation Kaaval (guard), to curb crimes like drug trafficking, smuggling and gang attacks and to find and prosecute those behind them an official release issued by the force said on Thursday.
The release issued by the State Police Media Centre said that to make the operation a success, State Police Chief (SPC) Anil Kant has issued guidelines like forming special teams to arrest absconders in criminal cases and preparation of a database of all those persons involved in incidents of violence as well as regular offenders.
If necessary, persons involved in incidents of violence will be arrested under the Kerala Anti-social Activities (Prevention) Act (KAAPA), the SPC has directed, according to the release, and said that steps will also be taken to bring to justice those who conspire and plan such acts of violence.
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The SPC has also directed that those out on bail be monitored to ascertain whether they are violating the terms of their release and if any violation is found, steps be taken to cancel their bail, the release said.