Kochi:The Kerala High Court on Friday set aside the preventive detention imposed on Swapna Suresh, prime accused in the sensational gold smuggling case, under the COFEPOSA (Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act).
The Division Bench of the High Court comprising justices A K Jayasankaran Nambiar and Mohammed Nias C P gave the order in a plea filed by Suresh's mother seeking to quash the continuous detention of her daughter under the COFEPOSA.
However, she will continue to remain in jail as she has not secured bail in the case registered by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
She had been undergoing continuous jail term since her arrest by the NIA in connection with the case of gold smuggling allegedly using diplomatic channel.
Also Read:Kerala gold smuggling case: ED attaches 30 kg gold, over Rs 14 lakh cash