Ernakulam (Kerala): The Kerala Crime Branch team on Thursday conducted raids at house and office of Grand Production company of Malayalam actor Dileep, a prime accused in the abduction and rape of a popular South Indian actress. Raids were also conducted at the house of his brother Anoop, brother of Dileep.
The raids were the outcome of controversial revelations made against him by his long-time associate and director Balachandrakumar Menon. Following the revelations of Menon, Kerala Police have registered a fresh case, naming actor Dileep as the prime accused.
The officials said, "Three teams of officials were dispatched to carry out the raids simultaneously at the three locations."
The team led by SP Mohana Chandran had to scale the compound wall of the house to gain entry as the gates were locked. The team could not enter the house as it was locked. Later Dileep's sister came to the house and unlocked it for the team to inspect.
The officials said they had taken permission from the court to conduct the raids. The Chief Judicial Magistrate court had recorded the secret statement of Menon on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the Kerala government had given an oral undertaking in the court that Dileep will not be arrested till Friday, as his anticipatory bail plea is pending before the High Court. The court will take up the plea on Friday based on the new FIR filed against the actor following the fresh allegations of the director.
Also Read: Kerala Actor Sexual Assault: Police register fresh non-bailable case against Dileep