New Delhi:Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday urged the central government to set up an AIIMS in the state as well as provide pending GST dues worth over Rs 4,500 crore. Vijayan met Prime Minister Narendra Modi here and discussed various issues related to the state, including rail projects. Addressing the media in the national capital, Vijayan said he has asked the Prime Minister to immediately provide pending GST (Goods and Services Tax) of Rs 4,524 crore related to the 2020-21 fiscal.
There are financial issues and the state needs a lot of help, the chief minister said as he mentioned raising the GST dues matter with the Prime Minister. The demand for an AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) in Kerala has been pending for a long time."We discussed the demand for AIIMS in Kerala and the Prime Minister was very positive in his response," Vijayan said. Vijayan also held meetings with Union ministers Hardeep Singh Puri and Ashwini Vaishnav. Puri is the Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs as well as the Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas.