Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Police have registered a non-bailable case against top Malayalam actor Dileep, his brother Anoop, his brother-in-law Sooraj and other family members for allegedly threatening investigating officers of the 2017 sensational kidnap and sexual assault of a popular female actor.
The case was registered following a revelation by a former close friend of the actor and Malayalam movie director Balachandra Kumar in connection with the 2017 kidnap and sexual assault of the actor. Balachandra Kumar, who has recently fallen out with Dileep, had revealed that the actor is in possession of a few clips of the sexual assault.
On Sunday, Deputy SP of Kerala Police Biju Paulose who was the investigating officer lodged a complaint with the Kerala police stating that Balachandra Kumar has deposed that Dileep while watching a YouTube video at his home of former Aluva Rural district police superintendent, A.V. George said that he would do away with the officer as well as other four officers who were responsible for arresting him.
Also read:Kerala HC slams plea to cross examine witnesses in actress sexual assault case