New Delhi:Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has written to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, seeking the regularisation of 4,500 New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) employees. These Regular Muster Roll (RMR) employees are waiting for years for their regularisation against the existing vacancies in the NDMC, he said. A proposal for the regularisation of the employees is pending with the Union home ministry.
The employees had recently approached Kejriwal for his support and intervention in the matter, according to an official statement. "I would like to draw your kind attention to the issue of approval of Recruitment Rules of Group 'C' posts in NDMC for grant of permanent employee status to Regular Muster Roll (RMR) employees of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)," Kejriwal wrote to Shah.
There are around 4,500 employees in the NDMC who are presently working as RMR employees and waiting to become regular employees, he said. "The proposal for approval of draft Recruitment Rules of Group C posts in NDMC had been sent to MHA vide letter dated 25.09.2020 after approval of the Council in its meeting on 4th August, 2020 and subsequently, revised proposal was sent vide letter dated 16.04.2021," Kejriwal pointed out.