Amritsar: While on his Punjab tour, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convener and Delhi Chief Minister, Kejriwal attacked the ruling dispensation by saying that even after 70 years of independence, education and health facilities in India have not adequately improved. Kejriwal, who landed at Bhagwan Valmiki Tirath Sthal in Amritsar on Saturday, has been on several tours to the poll-bound state for a year, ahead of the 2022 Assembly Elections.
"Today our children are deprived of education and our elders are deprived of treatment," he said blaming those in power for the poor state of affairs in the state. Having said that, he promised education for all children once the AAP comes to power in the state. If one generation receives good education it would transform society as a whole, he said.
Raising another issue of concern in the state, he said, "No government in Punjab had given adequate focus to Safai Karmacharis in the state," and promised focus on sanitation once AAP comes to power in Punjab.