Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao bypassing the protocol will not be receiving Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is scheduled to attend the 20th annual day celebrations of the Indian School of Business (ISB) on May 26 at Gachibowli in Hyderabad. CM KCR will go to Bangalore on the same day. He will, instead, depute a senior Cabinet Minister for the ceremony.
As per the information KCR will be in Bengaluru on May 26 as he will be meeting former PM HD Deve Gowda to discuss national politics and also forthcoming presidential elections. This will be the second consecutive instance of the CM not receiving the PM personally during his visit to Telangana. Modi had visited the state on February 5 for unveiling the ‘Statue of Equality' at Muchintal but KCR skipped the programme that day saying that he was ‘unwell’.