Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao's daughter K. Kavitha has filed a defamation suit against BJP West Delhi MP Parvesh Verma and a former MLA for making 'baseless allegations' after they linked her name with the Delhi liquor scam.
In her petition, Kavitha sought an injunction order from the 9th Chief Judge of the Hyderabad City Civil Court, restraining the respondents from tarnishing her image. The petition was filed on Tuesday. A few days ago when the allegations came in, Kavitha had warned that such damaging remarks would not be tolerated.
Kavitha, who is an MLC, said that the respondents chose unlawful methods to defame her by making baseless allegations. She expressed concern over the manner in which attacks were being made on her dignity. At the same time, Kavitha asked the court to order the defendants to issue an unconditional apology to her.
Kavitha's office said that it has been decided to file similar petitions on behalf of the TRS MLC in all the remaining 32 district courts in Telangana. Mutual allegations started ever since the BJP Delhi leaders dragged Kavitha's name into the raging controversy surrounding the now-scrapped liquor policy of the Delhi AAP Government.