Davanagere (Karnataka):Karnataka Assembly Speaker Vishweshwar Hegade Kageri favoured the demand of including the Bhagavad Gita in the school curriculum while speaking at Sri Bhagavad Gita state-level campaign at Rashtrothana Vidya Kendra in Davangere city on Sunday. He insisted upon including the Bhagavad Gita in the school syllabus, which should be taught to children in a compulsory manner.
Karnataka Speaker Kageri backs state govt on including Gita in school curriculum
The Bhagavad Gita should be included in the school curriculum and made mandatory in all schools, said Speaker Vishweshwar Hegade Kageri.
Also read:Ex-Congress minister Shivraj Patil draws link between 'Jihad' and Gita
"The Bhagavad Gita says everyone is equal. Minds are divided over the different social structures in society, language, borders and food habits, we see differences everywhere. So, in such conditions, Gita will be the basis of unity." Earlier, Karnataka Education Minister BC Nagesh said that the Bhagavad Gita would be introduced in schools as part of a 'moral education' drive starting in December. This announcement has caused controversy in the state as many had come up with a different opinion on it.