Bengaluru: Karnataka on Sunday added 50,210 fresh infections to its cumulative COVID-19 tally and 19 deaths taking the total caseload and fatalities to 35,17,682 and 38,582 respectively. This is the second time the state has crossed 50,000 daily infections. On May 5, 2021, the state had reported 50,112 infections.
However, back then the daily fatalities were quite high with 346 deaths on a single day, whereas on Sunday it was 19.
In its daily bulletin, the state's health department said 22,842 people were discharged, taking the total number of recoveries to 31,21,274. The active cases in the state stood at 3,57,796.
The infections on Sunday were mainly driven by Bengaluru, which contributed more than half of the total infections -- 26,299. The city also reported eight deaths. Other districts too had fresh cases including 4,359 in Mysuru, 1,963 in Tumakuru, 1,922 in Hassan, 955 in Dharwad, 947 in Udupi, 925 in Bengaluru Rural and 904 in Ballari.