Bantwal (Karnataka): In an unfortunate incident, three laborers from Kerala were killed, when a landslide occurred last night near Mukkuda, Panjikallu village, in the Bantwal taluk of Dakshin Kannada. The laborers were trapped under a shed when it collapsed due to the impact of the landslide. Rescue operations were conducted by the disaster management authority.
The deceased has been identified as Babu (46) from Kottayam, Biju (46) from Palakkad, and Santosh (46) of Alappuzha. The sole survivor, Johnny (44) hails from Kannur and is undergoing treatment at a hospital. The laborers had come to Karnataka to work at a nearby rubber plantation and lived in Panjikallu village.
Also read:Red alert amid heavy rains in Karnataka; one dead in landslide
The locals in the area informed the disaster management authority who rushed to the spot and launched the rescue operations. By 9:30 pm, three laborers were pulled out from the debris. All three of them had suffered grave injuries. Personnel from the fire department, Bantwal town police, and the locals all joined hands to rescue the trapped laborers.
The monsoon rains have been lashing Karnataka's coastal towns continuously. Many district administrations have taken the decision to keep schools and colleges shut for a few days as fears of landslides and flooding rise among people. The Indian Meteorological Department on Thursday issued a red alert notice amid heavy rainfalls in Udupi.