Dakshina Kannada: A student from a city college was thrashed by a group of men in Karnataka's Dakshina Kannada district in Karnataka after he was caught roaming with a 17-year-old girl student. Police said the Muslim youth in question was spotted by the gang at a temple here.
Karnataka: Muslim youth beaten up for roaming with minor Hindu girl
The youth was handed over to the police against whom a POCSO case has been lodged on a complaint from the minor girl's father.
"He was wandering with the girl near the temple when the group spotted the couple near the bus stop of Kukke Subramanya temple. They followed the duo upto Kumaradhara river and attacked him before handing him over to us," police said. The injured youth was identified as Afeed, a resident of Kallugundi.
Afeed is at present admitted to a hospital and is undergoing treatment. Based on Afeed's complaint, the police have registered a case against those who attacked him. Meanwhile, the minor girl's father has preferred a complaint against Afeed. A counter case against the injured youth has been registered under the provisions of the POCSO Act.